History, Archeology, Cultures, Traditions, and News.


The Yorubas are an ethnic group comprising many tribes. Amongst these groups, there are several cultures and traditions known as Isese, Ifa, Oriki, and many others. 

Isese are natural practices surrounding the origin and achievements of the people, while Ifa is their vibrational binary system, which is connected to the constellation and the natural elements such as air, fire, water, earth, and sound being the binding element. 

The origin of the Yoruba people has been an unsolved mystery amongst earlier anthropologists and historians. The account of their origin goes back to their story of creation, in which at the very beginning the earth was filled with water, and Olodumare the King of Heaven sent an airship from heaven with 401 noble creators to create the earth. According to the story, these noble ancestors brought with them crops like palm tree seeds, corn, beans, and several others.  The very first global civilization was established at Ogba Idena in Ile-Ife, which translated into the garden of creation. If the garden of creation is in Nigeria, could this be where they got the biblical story of the garden of Eden and the Adam and Eve story from? Learn more below.



Yoruba and Benin artifacts of British museums explained.




Ifa Divination Pdf
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Anna Hinderer Of Yoruba Pdf
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17 Years In The Yoruba Country Pdf
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Samuel Crowther Slave To Bishop Pdf
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History Of Yorubas Pdf
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Abeokuta Or Sunrise Within The Tropics An Outline Of The Origin And Progress Of The Yoruba Mission Pdf
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Historia Do Povo Yoruba Pdf
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Africa Discovery Pdf
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Oyo Empire Pdf
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British Nigeria 1902 Pdf
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Religion And The Making Of Nigeria Pdf
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The Yoruba Speaking People Of The Slave Coast Of West Africa Pdf
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by Ovech.

Telling the almost forgotten stories.







Ogba idena

Ogba Idena in english language means the garden of creation or formation.

According to the linguistic and etymology of the words. Ogba means garden. O (Feminine/0/The egg/Birth/moon/The earth/darkness ), G (lower kingdom/0 and 1/Darkness and light-9/The North Star), B (upper kingdom/1 and 0/Light and darkness-b/The North Star) A (Masculine/1/The light/sun/Infomation)

Ogba in the Yoruba language translate to garden in the english language. G,A,R,D,E,N (G is 1 & 0/north star, A is the light/information, R is the stars, D is 1 and 0/ the eclipse, E is the sun, N is water) using the binary language.

Idena in the Yoruba language translates to creation or formation in the english language. The letter I represents information and light, the separation from darkness and ignorance, D represents 1 & 0 which are 9/g/q/p/d/b (Above & below/Darkness and light coming together/The Eclipse). E, the sun. N, the rainbow/water, and A is the equator incases where the letter E and I are present. This means the sun around the equator.

Creation: C represents breathe/to become/life, R, the stars, E, the sun, A, the equator, T, the separation of above, below, the sky and the land/the central kingdom/death/the spiritual kingdom. I, information, O, the moon, N, the rainbow/water.

According to the Yoruba creation story, Ogba-Idena in Ile Ife, Nigeria was where God created man. This creation is about the formation of civilizations and kingdoms that align with the constellations, the sky. An informative, educative design to ensure we can navigate the world easily. 

This shows some principles of intentions and discipline. This is design that reveals a precautionary awareness. Probably something the ancestors came about after a severe natural disaster. This garden of creation is talking about the garden where the kingdoms are created to ensure ancient knowledge are kept in multiple places in case of another severe natural disaster. The kingdom of the stars, the kingdom of the sun, the kingdom of the moon, the kingdom of the rainbow, the kingdom of the eclipse, and the animal kingdoms of the sky, land, and water. This education system led to the creation of multiple languages in order to support the education and navigation system. The Kingdom of the sky becomes the kingdom of queens and qings. Also the central kingdom, the resting place of priests and royals known as the Kingdom of God in the religious doctrines. Qings are in charge of mastery in the educational temples. Queens are in-charge of birth of ideas to sustain the way of life of the kingdoms. Follow the light!



To fully understand the makeup of the word Aforiki, we have to break down the significant elements of this name. IFA/AFI (Upper Kingdom, Lower kingdom), ORI, and KI.

  • Afi: means to act or to do. 

Ifa: is an astronomical system used amongst the Yoruba people. A spiritual tool used to study the constellations, and communicate with nature's elements through the binary mathematics and natural sciences of life.

  • This Ifa is known as the language of the stars and creation, and it's used amongst the Yoruba people for almost everything. Ifa is consulted when choosing their kings and queens.
  • Ifa is consulted when establishing their settlements and kingdoms. Ifa is used before having their kids and within the first 7 days of the birth to know the kid's destiny and taboos.
  • Ifa is consulted during conflicts and natural relations of their communities. 

Ori: means head in the Yoruba language, but could be used in describing leadership. The sciences of the Yoruba people is deeply towards one's head. 

  • Ori is so important in the Yoruba culture that it is believe to be one's keeper of consciousness, and a direct link to the source. Ori-Osa, Orisa, talking about the fluid that flows in the head down the spine. 
  • Ori is the personal god that connects us to the gods of nature's elements.

Ki: The word Ki in the Yoruba language means life, death, to greet, or to respect and honor. This word can also mean "what", which from the etymological make up of this word Ori'ki, it hints on the never-ending journey of life. A journey one must honor and respect, called life.

  • By putting all of this elements (The Act/People, The Elements/Universe, The Honor/Life & Death Cycles) together, it makes up the word Aforiki, which explains the people of this practices.

the teachings: THE 16 laws of ifa

  1. There is a single source of consciousness. All life is one.
  2. There are no devils.
  3. Except for the day you're born, there are no single events in your life that cannot be forecasted and necessarily changed. 
  4. It is your birthright to be happy, successful, and fulfilled.
  5. You should grow and obtain wisdom during the process.
  6. You reincarnates through their blood relatives.
  7. Heaven (Orun/Sky Kingdom) is home, Earth (Aye/Land kingdom) is the market place. We are in constant passage between the two. 
  8. You are a part of the universe in a literal way, not figurative way.
  9. You must never initiate harm to another human
  10. You must never harm the universe you belong to.
  11. Your physical self and spiritual self must work together as one.
  12. You are born with a specific path, It is your goal to find it. Divination and intuition provides the road map.
  13. Your ancestors exists! Honor and respect them.
  14. Sacrifices guarantees success. Life is giving and receiving.
  15. The Orisas (Ancestors) lives within us.
  16. Fear is an illusion that hold one back. One must learn to defeat their fears.

Patience: Ifa emphasizes on the importance of patience. Patience is necessary in life.

ORIKI: are vibrational frequency codes structured around one's element of creation/birth and lineage. They hold the information about one's personality and one's historical significances. For an example, Oriki can share the information of what happened during the stages of pregnancy. Oriki are used for indigenous identity verification.

There are different types of Oriki. Some are for the land, some are for the community, some are for the clan, some are for the family, some are for the household, and some are personal. Personal Oriki are a kind given to one's children either by the parents or grandparents. 


The identity of the African people using the what's documented amongst the Yoruba people simply goes further back before their accounts of creation. Understanding this significant part is important not only to the Yoruba people but the world. Without the proper understanding of the Yoruba methods of documentation, it becomes difficult to understand their oral history and the black identities. 

The short story of creation documented by theYoruba people started with the whole world being filled with nothing but water. Olodumare, the god of the sky sent down a group of masters who arrived with an air ship. The ship couldn't landed for a while and floated upon the water. After a while, these masters put some soil on the water. They then took a cameleon from the ship and put it on the soil to see if the soil is solid enough to land the ship.  After the soil became solid, and the ship was landed. They brought out a roaster to spread the soil to make the world. After the making of the land, Olodumare instructed Obatala to create man in their image, but Obatala got drunk on palm wine, leaving the job to Oduduwa his wife to finish. After the creation of man from pure melanin, mud and plant (Adamo ati Ewe/Eve) in Ogba Idena (the Garden of Eden), and everything created was given a name. These ancient ancestors settled and populated the world. The two names seen for the two kinds of peoples to have been created by these creators are Aforiki and Amoriki, and they're the blueprint for all other creations of man. Aforiki is richly dark skinned, while Amoriki is copper color dark skinned.

Oduduwa fulfilled the creation of law and order, resulting in the creation of good characters of civility intended for continuity. The etymology for the name Oduduwa is O'dudu'wa, and Odu ti oda Iwa.  O is the earth, meaning the egg. Dudu means rich "black: melanin, Wa means become. It emphasizes on pure melanin, and the words/laws that structured the land and its people's characters. It is obvious that the name Oduduwa is a title, and not the actual name of the person or this ancestor. After this creation,  a global civilizations of 16 kingdoms was created, and Ile-Ife became the central kingdom where many people migrated from to create new colonies and kingdoms of the world. Part of the kingdoms and colonies created by these ancestors are identify today all over the world through the signatures left behind.


adamo AND  ewe/eve 

  • Ada'mo means created from mud. A'mo means mud. Mo means molding. Ada means created, to pour, cutlass, sword in the Yoruba language and Ado/Edo language.
  • Eve means plants or leaves. E'be means to praise, while O'be means Knife in Yoruba language. E'be means leaves in the Ado/Edo language. In this case, it seems like the letter w/v is b in the Ado/Edo language. While this word means multiple meanings in the Yoruba language, it is important to recognize the similarities.

Hence the revelation of the Adam and Eve biblical fallacies. Adam and Eve (Adamo & Ewe, also pronounced Eve in Ewe language due to the letter W being silent and pronounced as V/Elvel). This tells us that man came from the mound of mud and plants.

Another translation of this word Adamo and Ewe/Eve using the Yoruba history and language simply explains that Adamo and Ewe/Eve are brother and sister. While also translated as Adam creating/parenting Ewe/Eve.

Nevertheless, Adam and Eve are related by blood, and not by marriage like the religious books falsely narrated. 



The name America just like Africa was suggested to have been given by roman spaniard Amerigo. This is further from the truth. Just like the name Africa, the name America comes from the same ORI-GIN of ORI-KI. Am'ori'ki means the masters of law and order. The astronomical masters. and scholars. This reveals a disciplinary personal. A place of mastery. This shows that the historical accounts of the Yoruba people about the world and region are well enough to be taken as a credible sources worthy of linguistic  verification.

Amoriki emphasizes on the name Amo,, which means mud. And as we have explained the etymological molecule of Ori'ki. It is important to recognize that these two Aforiki and Amoriki are connected and indeed means something more than the letters AFI/IFA, AMO/OMA. Oma means grandmother in German language. In Korea, Oma means mother. 

In the Edo language, Oma means good and desirable, or a man who is on the throne. In the Igbo language, Oma simply means good. The igbo word Dim'oma means my good husband.

In the Yoruba language, Omo means child. This linguistic revelation matches with the historical accounts of the Yoruba people saying that the two children of the Central kingdom of Ife were the first priest Kings from the ancient Sky kingdom of Ile-Ife to have left to create the kingdom of the sun/fire Omo'N'Oba. and kingdom of the water/moon. Omo oni Oba is the title of the King of Ado/Edo in Nigeria, meaning child of Oba Oni. Ado happened to be the kingdom of the sun/fire.

We are able to gather that Ada was a priest queen married to the Omo'N'Oba, the sun/fire kingdom who happened to be son of the Central Kingdom King of Ife. Ada and Omo'N'Oba gave birth to Ewe/Eve (pronounced El'vel), the daughter. 

  • Amoriki is the true original name of the name America
  • Amo: Red mud bricking


The Aforikian and Amorikian cultures and traditions are structured around nature's elements and relativities. Elements like air, fire, water, earth, and even sound. Ancient ancestors being masters of these elements understood the importance of educating their future generations about the way of the world. Therefore keeping world's ancient sciences and mathematics creatively amongst their people. This coding is what we call the creation process. Creation is actually a recreation of the world after the understanding of the natural crisis forecasted. These sciences and revelations are structured relatively to nature and has been given to us as cultures and traditions today. While many indigenous peoples haven't realized that their cultures and traditions are not just for entertainments or oral history. Almost all of the indigenous cultures and traditions are scientific and progressive truths. 

Many indigenous peoples seen around the world does not fully understand the cultures and traditions to levels intended by the originator. This is so because many indigenous tribes haven't been asking questions surrounding the traditions of their ancestry. This we have also seen in the Aforikian/African and Amorikian/American continents. The lack of learning about other neighboring tribes, and learning about the potentially shared ancestry. This lack of interest seems to have kept the indigenous tribes stagnant, and not progressive at all. Unfortunately, it has created a struggle for dominancy and supremacy amongst the indigenous peoples. This was never the intention of the ancestors, and never the intended agenda. The intentions was to encourage indigenous peoples towards learning about the way of the world simply by looking within and learning about themselves. It is like the ancestors are preserving true natural intelligence and education amongst indigenous peoples incase of another global disaster like the great flood. Without the proper comprehension of cultures and traditions of indigenous peoples, the world will continue to be ruled by political oligarchs who seek to take advantages of the ignorance and confusion. The more separated we become as a people, the less of a hope at achieving a better world we have. If the people are not going to fulfill the intentions of the creators and ancestors, it is better to accept the defeat, and be prepared for extinctions. Whether today or tomorrow when we are no more. An extinction of indigenous peoples has been the ultimate agenda of the ones who invaded. 


  • Nature: Sky, Earth, Light, Darkness, Sound
  • Elements: Air, Fire, Water, Soil, Frequency
  • Relativity: Motion, Memory, Mastery.
  • The cycle of life.



It is important to re-member ourselves as indigenous peoples of the world. The separation that has been done resulted in the reduction of alignments with nature and one's ancestral intentional discipline.  Without this alignment, the world created would completely be lost in the hands of the ones who seek to hijack and abuse its peoples. 

It is up to the indigenous peoples to reflect of the methods of approach being used and learn from the mistakes made.

Ignorance breeds arrogance and greed. The miseducation of the African people have created a way of life totally opposite to the ways of the ancestors. Therefore, it is virus that must be contained and possibly eradicated for the longevity and survival of the world. This is bigger than you and bigger than your spaces. This is a crucial call of order, to step up and re-educate and to remember you. 

Who are you before they invaded? What are your practices? What are your security systems that guarantees your freedom and independence? 

How do you see your generations down the line? Are you worthy of the life you've given by your ancestors? What are you doing about the state of your spaces?  These are questions we must ask. We must all be reminded that life is eternal, and we all come back to the mess we created. We are the ancestors that once was. Remember the 16 truths/law of Ifa. Know who you are, and learn to recognize your role in the universe you're apart of. 

Let go of your ego and step into a higher consciousness. The truth is the only healer that brings us together. Anything that keeps us further apart is not the truth. Respect the ancestors, respect  your Oriki.


Kingdom of the Sky (AIR)

Etymology/Isunki: Ile-Ife (The Home of Expansion)

The Kingdom of the Sky is the Kingdom of the supreme kings and queens of all kings and queens of the world. In the ancient days, the O'ni's face must not be seen by the public. O'ni is the unseen God King and lord of all lords. Till today, O'ni of Ile-Ife is still the only King of all Kings in Yoruba land.

The central Kingdom was once the old Oyo empire as documented.

Ile-Ile is documented to be the place where all black people migrated from into all parts of the world. It is believed to the the first place the creators settled and established the very first civilization.

  • Ile-Ile is the Kingdom of Ogba Idena (The garden of Eden)
  • The traditional color of Ile-Ife is white.
  • Ile-Ife is also known as Ala-Ife, Otu-Ife, Alaba-laye.
  • Ile-Ife was attacked, looted, and bombed by the European invaders around the 1800s. 
  • Archeologists believed that there are many civilizations buried under in Ile-Ife due to archeological findings and research.
  • It is an abomination to not prostrate to greet the King of Ile-Ife when you're in his palace. Ile-Ife represents the Sky, and since everything lives under the sky, people must bow in the kingdom.
  • Ile-Ife is a kingdom structured in alignments with the stars and the constellations. 
  • Ile-Ile monarchy is structured to rotate around the 4 natural elements air, fire, water, earth. Around the four corners of the earth. The stars are to be consulted by the three wisemen (Amoye meta) in choosing the next king/Qing.
  • Ile-Ife celebrates Olojo festival, a festival representing the day of creation. Also the day of the twins, the day the Sun/Fire and Moon/Water  was created. A day of corn and beans.



Kingdom of the MOON (WATER)

Etymology/Isunki: O'yo (To move slow, To fall slowly)


Kingdom of LAND (EARTH)

Etymology/Isunki: Egbado/Egbe-Ado (The society of Ado)

Egbaketu/Egbe-Ketu (The society of Ketu)


Kingdom of the Sun (Fire)

Etymology/Isunki: A'do/E'do (To establish, to create, to mix)

Igodomigodo/Igo-Ado ni Igo-Ado (Land of glass beads) Igo (glass)/Odo  (Portar)/Odomi (mating/sex) Ado-ni (I am the creator)/Omi (water)/god)


Kingodm of the Egg

Etymology/Isunki: Akan (The first)

Akanni (The first son) Akanbi (The One & Only) O'kan (The Heart)

ndebele: aladebele

Kingdom of the Rainbow

Etymology/Isunki: Ndebele/Nguni 

The Nguni people are four groups of Xhoza, Zulu, Zwazii, and Isi'Ndebele



Etymology/Isunki: Ogboni

Ogboni society are the royal society of the central/sky kingdom who protects the land and civilizations. They are the wise nobles.  They are also known as the Olumekun or Omo-Ekun.


ORI'QI tribe

Oriki Tribe is an ancestral tribe of origin. A consolidation of all into one unique protective culture.

Oriki tribe is a tribe that embodies a personal of guardianship. The guardians of ancestry and history of the Origin story. One of the roles of being a member of the Oriki tribe is to resemble peace and order. To remind others of the intentions of our ancient ancestors. To work towards uniting all of our peoples without relentless. To create create institutions that serves the indigenous peoples of the world. Oriki tribe does not discriminate but elevate. We support humanity moving forward diligently without the loss of origin and respect for natural relativity. To become a member and get your membership package, sign up below and start your journey into a beautiful future.

  • Engaging and participatory learning environment
  • Diverse topics to enhance various skills
  • Networking opportunities with members.
  • Festivals and community development
  • Language studies and classes
  • Membership missions and benefits